It's been a while since my last post.
This year raya, we celebrated at my hometown in Ipoh.
My wife helped mum with the raya dishes..i think it's the mee kari..every year ade special raya dishes..(apart from normal lemang+rendang ayam, nasik impit+kuah sate, etc..)
My sis prepared the cakes and brownies..my younger brother helped to prepare the cakes and dishes.. and I got the chance to bring Meerul pegi semayang raya..seronok dia pegi masjid.
The only thing was he didn't want to have his breakfast..tu yang merunsingkan..
Dia behaved ok la..ikut when rukuk, sujud..Normally kalau duduk antara dua sujud, he will lunjurkan kaki ke depan, but this time, I had demonstrated how to duduk antara dua sujud masa maghrib prayer the day before...
After semayang raya, we went straight to Opah Yang's house..nasib baik meerul makan cake..at least ade la isi perut sikit.
Here are some of the photo collections masa raya..
2nd of raya, we went back to Kajang..